Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Conventional wisdom.

I really hate it. Conventional wisdom is what the Beltway bozos spout, which the news media picks up, which tells the public what to think, which sets the original idiotic murmurs in cement. And so we all 'know' a bunch of shit which wouldn't be true if we hadn't all been assured that it's conventional wisdom.

Conventional wisdom once had it that the world was flat. That illness could be cured by bleeding. That flies spontaneously generated from garbage.

More recently the conventional wisdom stated that the American public was not ready for a black President, that Americans opposed health insurance reform, that the Republican party was better at keeping the country safe, that Democrats spend recklessly while Republicans spend responsibly.

Will the conventional wisdom ever catch up with reality? Probably not, or at least not until the clowns inside the Beltway are lured outside for a helping of real life. In the meantime, we must all take care. The liars aren't our eyes, but their forked tongues.

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