Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Global Warming

can kill us. So, let's get some legislation passed to slow down our contribution to it. Now.

The record snowfall in Washington, D.C. is a symptom of global warming. Here's how it works: because the earth is warming the seas are evaporating faster, creating more moisture in the atmosphere. This leads to record precipitation events - in other words, rain and snow. Just for fun, google 'record rains.'

Oops, I suppose that explanation has too many three- and four-syllable words to be comprehensible by a doofus like Hannity, who likes to trumpet his ignorance on national teevee, or those Inhofe yokels who got their embarrassingly-red necks into the news by building an igloo for Al Gore.

God, ignorant people are irritating. They should all buy land in Florida and move there right away.

Updated, at last, to correct that word-o I noticed a long time ago - meant to say 'syllable' where I used 'letter'.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oh, if only.


Bachmann Suggests Critics Of Health Care Reform Will Be Put On A ‘List’ And Denied Treatment

Think of the people who would then have to try to get coverage in a purely private market: John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor, Tom Price, John McCain (That one makes me giddy - the old cancer-surviving fart who's never had any health care but guvmint health care!), Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, a whole passel of right wing bobbleheads and insurance company executives. God, how sweet it would be.

Sadly, it's not true. I had a nice few minutes daydreaming about it, though.